The ENF Rangers’ Guardians, a Division of Earth’s Natural Force, was Inspired by Marvin Gaye’s 1970 prophecy of a Global Ecological catastrophe and the damage it will do to our children’s future sustainability on Earth.
The ENF Rangers’ Guardians is the Adult Division of Earth's Natural Force; charged with the responsibility to provide support and mentorship to the younger ENF Rangers.
The Members of the ENF Rangers’ Guardians Division, first and foremost are the ENF Rangers’ parents, followed by family and friends in the surrounding community.


The Guardians, along with the younger ENF Rangers are the first line of defense in protecting the community against environmental injustice.
The Guardians, along with the younger ENF Rangers are the first line of defense in protecting the community against environmental injustice.
The Guardians mission is to attack the causes of environmental injustices, by helping to mobilize the community to be more active in saving the planet for the sustainability of future generations
We have had the privilege of performing on both large and small stages, usin entertainment to educate
Pictures tell a thousand words, and our photo gallery shows the engagement of the ENF Rangers